Brazos Valley Christian Home Educators Association Donations

Cheer Sponsorships
Price: $20.00 - $10000.00
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FRIEND OF THE MUSTANGS: Logo on website and Facebook, name listed in our season program. 1st DOWN: Logo on website and Facebook, listing in our season program, business announced at home games at 1st downs in rotating order, 1/8 page ad in season program featuring your business logo. ALL STAR: Logo on website and Facebook, business is announced at all home games at 1st downs in rotating order and Halftime, 1/4 page ad in season program featuring your business logo, 4 Home Game tickets. TOUCHDOWN: Logo on website and Facebook, business is announced at all home games at 1st downs in rotating order and Touchdowns, 1/2 page ad in season program featuring your business logo, 4 Home Game tickets. PLATINUM $2000+: Logo on website and Facebook, business is announced at all home games at 1st downs in rotating order and Touchdowns, FULL page ad in season program featuring your business logo, 2 SEASON tickets.